
Once you have a fixture definition for a single model, you can easily let Fluse create a list of them by chaining the list method.

it("should make a list", async () => {
const users = await userFixture().list(10).execute();

The above example will execute the userFixture 10 times and accumulate the results into an array.

When working with lists you can also gain information regarding the list execution inside your fixture definition.

export const postFixture = fixture<Post, PostArgs>({
create(context, args, info) {
const post = new Post({
title: `title-${info.list.index}`,
return post;

The third argument of the create function of the definition is an info object which contains a list key. This key contains the following information:

  • index: the current index of the item in the list,
  • size: the total size of the list,

List info is also available without the list option . The index will just be 0 and size will be 1.


Fluse does not perform any optimzations for lists, it simply calls your fixture in a loop. If you need very high performance for large lists it is advisable to create a specific fixture definition for a large list.